Thursday, 30 September 2010

Fixing idea issues

Many issues have risen due to trying to find and fit a game mechanic to a really strong concept idea/art style. This is causing many points of frustration for the team which doesnt help anything. We asked the new lecturer for the corse, Adrian fr advice for various issues.

  • Multiplayer only?
  • Is there a reason why this sort of co op play hasnt been put out in a game?
  • are we over thinking?
Critique from Adrian

From receiving crit, it is clearly obvious that the way we are going about designing the game is one of the hardest ways of achieving an innovative and well structure game idea.

  • Build a concept to a mechanic, not the other way round.
  • Its hard to make an truly original idea, as there are always subtle and sometimes obvious references to other same or other media.
  • Don't be so quick to pin down a game genre, give time to enable the ideas to flow and this way the concepts will be more creative and imaginative.

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