Monday 4 October 2010


2 Indie games have grabbed my eyes recently due to their unique and interesting visual styles and game mechanics.

Tiny and Big

I found this game in the indie section of Eurogamer 2010. This was definitely the game that stuck in my head from the expo, mainly because i can relate it to my FMP. This game has a very clever puzzle mechanic, using a lazer gun to cut through scenery. It also has a very unique cartoonist/illustrative style which makes it stand out from what is already on the market.

all images artwork owned by black pants studios

This is a game that i will have to keep an eye on. The official demo of the game can be downloaded from the black pants studio's official website.
Their Dev Blog can also be viewed here.


I came across this game on youtube, called ilomilo developed by Southend studios for the Xbox 360. The visual style of this game is very similar to the LittleBigPlanet series as well as capturing that essence of cuteness and charm from its child-like visuals. Again its another puzzle game, which seems to dominate in the indie game market.

all artwork owned by Southend Studios

Southend Studios have a great blog explaining their whole development process right

My groups idea, is not similar to these games at all, but the stylised visuals they have used apply more to our idea than realism games do. Following a fictional narrative with fictional characters and worlds.  

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