Tuesday 12 October 2010


Just searching over the internet for portfolios and inspiring work that could influence the visual style or just generally inspire the group. That i did achieve as i came acrossman pieces of amazing work on www.polycount.com.

Sylvannas Windrunner by FirstKeeper

When i first saw this i thought it was a painting or editted heavily in photoshop, but after cloer inspection i have realised it is all in the texture and render used. 

Eagle Guy
Created by haikai , original concept by Joe Madureira

Young Storm (Comicon 2010 Challenge)
Created by Steffen Unger (Neox)

Critical analysis of work is so important, when i create something i need to step back and do something like this, finding what what right and fixing it.  ITERATION.

Elder/Old Link (Comicon Challenge 2010)
Created by Damien Canderle

Character Concept Art From Jainai Jeffries
Blogs: 1  2

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