Thursday 26 May 2011

Comparing to the style Guide

Comparing the model to the style guide, its clear that the model isnt far off and actually has retained alot of the styles of a good few of the games in the style guide, mostly from Borderlands and Prince of Persia. This is mostly due to the bold lines that are rendered on the character as well as the painterly textures.

Overall the piece is less stylised than i hoped and that is mostly due to in experience. In the future with my work it would be a good idea to create models to other company styles so that i can get used to working in different ways and also to be more flexible.

Looking back on the model, there are many areas that i would change, and that would mostly be taking out details to aspecially to the boots as the time spent on a piece that is hardly seen isnt worth the time. Either that or make them more prominent in the design.

In the end, i am pleased with how the model turned out because its my first fully complete model that is built to specific specifications and has forfilled them. All the processes and programs learned on this journey have been invaluable and will only help to improve my art in the future.

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