Thursday 26 May 2011

Final Concept

One of my teachers Adrian stated that the reason my body shape is coming out incorrectly is because my concept doesn't exactly have the best form to be put into 3D.

The reason why i was making such a fuss over creating a final concept was because i didn't want to have to get to the end of pre production and have to model a character that i feel didn't relate to the audience. All the symmetrical details are what put me off because the character is meant to be rugged, with leather bound attire but this concept doesn't get this across.

After the talk i found out that as long as i have a reason i can change my concept after pre production but id have to schedule it in to the timetable. From this information i created this new concept taking what i have already but making it atomically better and adding finer details. 

Knowing that i can refine the design in the production stage has definitely given me time to look away from the concept for  few days and come back to it with a fresh mind. Now i can model this as my concept wont be radically different in terms of proportions as i wont be able to change that due to the restrictions the block out will give me in height and width of the character. 

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