Thursday 26 May 2011

Development of the New Model

Using my place holder base mesh, took away and added polygons to define the shape first. I had issues with the jacket because it wasn't in a natural shape and i had no idea how to model a draping jacket. 

Initially i used 3DSMax's cloth modifier to try and create a believable drape, but it failed as the models i were making didn't have enough geometry in them for it too fall correctly and also it was too complicated a shape.

Both my teachers told me to use more reference in my work as nothing can be achieved correctly purely from your head, especially if you want something to look correct.

Initially, the designed changed to the image titled Old from the place holder. I came back to the boots though because after some crit from another member of my teaching group, Aeryn he said:

                 "The boots don't capture enough of the detail in the concept for me to say that they are doing the best job they are. Add some more hard surface modelled geometry, and then put it into ZBrush and add the fine details there, your concept has too much detail for just diffuse to pull it together." - Aeryn James Davies. 

From the crit, it clearly necessary that the detail i want to achieve can only be achieved well if i take the model into ZBrush, but this i am worried about because i hardly know the program at all. This will help forfill professional practice as well which is definitely useful.

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