Thursday 26 May 2011

Final Renders

Due to spending too long on the model and having assets for the level to build, i had to leave the model in the state it was in. The texture is mostly just base colour, apart from the face and hair. My main mistake here was spending most of my time texturing on the face and hair, the 2 parts on the model are hardly seen due to the hood and face mask.

Compared to the style guide, its in a similar position to my A priority, the textures incorporate details in the diffuse that aren't neccesary or aren't stylised enough to get away with that detail in, e.g. the scarf has needless stitching in, as it doesn't add to the overall model. The normal and specular maps were created using software called CrazyBump. This saved alot of time just so that the model had variation in lighting when put into UDK.

Rendered with the black outline, it does make it fit more into the world created. Going back to the model, in time i created this model to this stand in a much faster time than my A priority so it is clear that ive have been learning and gaining speed from the process i completed before. 

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