Tuesday 17 May 2011


I spent so much time pondering over the concept that i ended up wasting time over nothing, where i could atleast been working on the blockout of the character. Since im still fairly new to modelling, i know this process is going to take longer than i expect mostly because i dont know the depths about mehs flow inside and out to create a character from scratch. I didnt want to use the base mesh of another artist so i thought as muchas it will take me time, the best way im going to learn is to do it myself. 

Also i wanted to tackle the place holder creation as if i was making the final version because i want to try and come across alot of the errors now so that i have solutions for if they happen in the production process. I would definitly help save time.

Initial Blockout.
After looking on http://wiki.polycount.com/BodyTopology to get an idea of how my mesh should sort of look in terms of topology, I box modelled the block out the character first before moving on to refining and adding muscle definition. 

This muscle definition was created used my concept art, i had iterations before this but this is the best definition that i created. Already this took me all day as im going to have to move on from fiddling and actually get some advice on how to improve it as well as getting some reference artwork.

At this point i really need to create a final concept as after the muscles are formed, i need to work on the clothes. Essentially im hoping that when it comes to creating the final piece in the production process that i will have enough knowledge to now have to model my characters naked first, and model them with clothes straight away as it would save alot of time and make the mesh more complete to start off with.

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