Thursday 26 May 2011

Placeholder Progression

This post is for the week. Ive only been working on getting the place holder finished. I have no completed majority of the body and clothes. I didnt really come across any troubles as i had the naked body mesh of the character to follow and elaborate on. 

This was an idea that isnt in the original concept, but i found this image to the left on someone deviantart page. (

I really like the shape and direction the dungaree lapels add to the design of the character. It also adds to her tomboy and cocky attitude so i thought it would be intresting to try this out on my character.

After trying it out, i deleted it out but kept the lapel part because it will be covered by the sash my character has so there would be no point it. I kept the lapels though because it added to the characters silhouette, only i would make them thick ropes, but for place holder purposes im keeping them as planes.

After showing my teachers what i had done so far for critiquing, they gave me some very useful feed back.
  • Delete faces that wont be seen (faces of the body behind the jacket). 
  • Attach the seems of the jacket and body to make it a complete mesh.
  • The Jacket arms seem too tight for how baggy the torso part of the jacket is.

After receiving the crit, i added some base materials to give a basic idea of what the diffuse base colours would be to see what worked and didn't work. Due to the time i have left im moving on with the character to finalise it.

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