Wednesday 25 May 2011


Another member on the course, Aeryn who has awesome knowledge on human anatomy was helping me notice the obvious errors in I had made in the anatomical structure of the place holder. (Click the images below to make them larger so the annotations can be seen more clearly).

Aeryn also helped me out with sorting out my mesh flow, or mostly how to go about sorting it out. The mesh flow should follow the muscles mostly so that they deform properly and don't use extra geometry just to keep the polygons equal and dense.

Im actually quite pleased with how the body has turned out so far. Its a drastic improve compared to my first iteration as it now has interesting definition that is actually fairly stylised. Searching for characters similar to the build im looking for and i remembered a the character Wiper from an anime called One Piece that has a similar personality and body structure to mine. So far i would say that my place holder has taken certain qualities of structure, but don't look quite right as some proportions are off. 

  • Thin legs and waist
  • Huge neck muscles that accentuate the width of the shoulders.
  • Tribal tattoos that define their native style or home.
  • Long/tall body.
  • Showing the muscle. (One element that defines the character to an audience)

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